The official opening took place on 24 March 2023.

The centre will be open from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 17:00. During this time, anyone affected by cancer can receive information about the disease, treatment, use the relaxation area or meet and discuss with other people affected by cancer.

In addition to the free program, the center also offers a structured program coordinated by our specialists as follows:

  1. Support group for people with cancer diagnosis (coordinated by Psychologist Diana Ungureanu-Pamfil);
  2. Support group for relatives/carers (coordinated by psychologist Diana Ungureanu-Pamfil);
  3. Art therapy group;
  4. Social work;
  5. Nutrition (online sessions with a specialist in diabetes, nutrition and metabolic diseases – Mondays from 15:00 to 17:00);
  6. Second opinion (online sessions with Dr Laura Sinea, collaborating oncology physician);
  7. 1 to 1 psychotherapy;
  8. Lymphatic drainage (offered by Reflexovital);
  9. Navigating the oncology patient (navigator Violeta Rusu);

Address: Calea Martirilor din 1989, nr. 20, ap.3


Support group for people with oncological diagnosis – Psychologist Diana Ungureanu-Pamfil

The support group is an effective way to get support in difficult life situations. When people go through major challenges, such as an oncological diagnosis, the stress felt is very high and it is important that in such situations isolation and feelings of loneliness do not set in. The support group gives people the opportunity to share their experiences and feelings, how they are coping with the situation or information they have gained about the treatment process.

Support group for carers – Psychologist Diana Ungureanu-Pamfil

The title of caregiver is given to someone who is caring for a loved one with a diagnosis such as cancer. A caregiver can carry the responsibility for the person they care for on their shoulders. The nature of the relationship with the loved one who is now suffering can change, and this can lead to a mixture of emotions and perhaps even confusion. Feeling overwhelmed, anger, grief, guilt, and a high level of stress are normal in such situations. So it is important for carers to know that they are not alone, that there are others going through such experiences, and support groups are a great way for them to find comfort, understanding, less loneliness, a context in which they can express themselves freely and not feel judged.

Art therapy group

Art therapy is a powerful tool involving the use of artistic modes of expression for physical and psychological healing, as well as improving perception and cognitive function. Art therapies are used to cope with experiencing an illness such as cancer and facilitate the visual expression of certain deeply hidden feelings by stimulating memory. Through art therapy, cancer patients can express themselves when words are hard to find. The main aim is to reveal the feelings of cancer patients and help them to be happy: as the psychoanalyst Jung says, “to be HAPPY is to experience CREATIVITY”. The sessions are free of charge and are funded by the association.

Social assistance

We offer social counselling to people in our day centre by drawing up an intervention plan, completing weekly assessment/reassessment sheets for all people who benefit from the services offered in the centre, support and guidance for people who need to be classified as disabled (in order to obtain a disability certificate). We also provide support in obtaining any other necessary documents (documents from the town hall or other establishments: drawing up identity cards, birth certificates, etc.); maintaining contact with the town hall and sending them the monthly number of beneficiaries in the day centre, maintaining contact with any other institution that may be required.


Nutrition plays an important role in the prevention and development of cancer. At least 30% of cancers are linked to poor nutrition and organisations have shown that in some organs, poor nutrition is responsible for as much as 60% of cancers. Many people still don’t know that diet can influence cancer and that obesity can promote it. An anti-cancer diet is an important strategy that can be used to reduce the risk of cancer. In addition, researchers have found that certain foods that prevent the disease can be an important part of an anti-cancer diet. The proposed workshop presents a series of basic foods recommended in any person’s diet, as well as eating behaviours that can positively or negatively influence the health of any cancer patient. The sessions are free of charge and are funded by the association.

Second opinion

A second opinion is a review of the diagnosis and therapeutic strategy initially proposed by another doctor. The diagnosis of cancer is frightening for anyone and immediately there is a desire to go to the best doctors who, through the proposed treatment, will give the maximum chance. Requesting a second opinion is a legitimate right and is most often initiated by the patient.

1 to 1 psychotherapy

Individual therapy involves working one-on-one with the therapist in a safe, confidential and comfortable environment for both people involved.

One-to-one therapy allows the therapist and patient to create a strong connection based on trust. This form of psychotherapy encourages the patient to engage in free deep discussion, focusing on the self. It may be a suitable choice for people who do not like social group settings but prefer a small, intimate setting to open up and express their emotions.

In the case of the patient who has just been diagnosed with cancer, therapeutic support can have a major influence on the attitude with which they will go through the whole process following diagnosis. A positive mental state influences the healing process, so the importance of psycho-oncology therapy is vital.

The patient needs to continue to feel connected to life, to continue to feel valued as an individual. The psychotherapist will help him to reduce his anxiety-depressive states, teach him to relax and to want to consciously control his attitude and mental and emotional state.

Lymphatic drainage – Refexovital

Lymphatic drainage is a gentle massage combined with the application of light pressure to the lymph nodes, key points in the body where toxins collect to be drained into the lymphatic circulatory system. Lymph nodes are found in the neck, breast, abdomen, inguinal and knee areas. Lymphatic drainage provides deep cleansing and regeneration of the body, improves the immune system, sleep quality and some circulatory problems. Lymphatic drainage also stimulates the elimination of stagnant water from the body.

Following medical procedures involving the removal of certain lymph nodes, most patients experience lymphoedema. Lymphoedema is an abnormal accumulation of a protein-rich fluid – lymph – in the interstitium due to a defect in the lymphatic drainage system. Manual lymphatic drainage decongests such a blockage. This massage technique contributes to the development, over time, of a collateral lymph circulation.

Navigating the cancer patient – Violeta Rusu

An Oncology Navigator is a person trained to help patients navigate the difficult path that awaits them following their diagnosis. The infrastructure is severely lacking in this regard and most patients who wake up with this diagnosis do not know which way to turn and what the steps would be. There is no clear source of information on the coherent course of events and treatments. Thus the occupation of Oncology Navigator was born.