SUS INIMA supports Ukrainian refugees
SUS INIMA made an appeal to humanity and many open-hearted people responded. With the funding received, the project to support Ukrainian refugees was able to continue.
This project was implemented county-wide, with Ukrainian refugees from all over the county coming to pick up food and other items offered at the Zacaria hall.
The beneficiaries of the project are people affected by the crisis situation, who have settled in Sibiu. They benefit from the help, support and capacity of the already created infrastructure (1350 refugees from Sibiu, 880 of them adults, aged 18-70 and 470 children, aged 3-18).
Sus Inima organisation and the local community of Sibiu managed through sustained efforts to provide the basic needs of a decent living for refugees from Ukraine during the period 28.02-30.03.2022, providing an infrastructure for accommodation, transport, food, networking at community level with authorities and other entities, for the development of educational projects and job platform.
The expenses covered so far reach 69182 RON, the food part being covered by product donations in 70%. These donations have started to decrease dramatically, so that the supply for the basic basket has started to be carried out by the own funds of the association and partners. The basic basket that Sus Inima provides every 3-4 days for each family contains: flour, oil, cornflour, pasta, buckwheat, non-perishable canned food (tomato sauce, peas, meat, pâté), musli, waffles, a jar of jam, a loaf of bread and two 2-litre bottles of water). The value of the package is RON 108. A family has access to an average of 8 such basic baskets per month.
By purchasing food and making basic baskets, Ukrainian refugees receive mental comfort and a sense of security, which allows them to consider their options for the future, the possibility of applying for political asylum, integration into the workforce, into the educational sphere and active participation in local cultural life, without having to worry about tomorrow. Through this project 6256 basic baskets were made and 391 Ukrainian refugee families were helped.