The SUS INIMA team is an international team specialized in various areas of intervention: oncological, psychotherapeutic, social, integrative, economic and cultural-educational. Read more…

We have five years of experience in managing people from vulnerable groups, being present both in Sibiu and Bucharest.

SUS INIMA team is an international team specialized on a wide range of intervention areas: oncology, psychotherapy, social, integrative, economic and culture and education.

SUS INIMA team is composed of:

42 employees

[1 executive director / 1 social development director / 1 strategic organisational development director / 1 communication and marketing coordinator / 1 day-centre director / 2 oncology navigators / 1 social worker / 1 psychotherapy services coordinator / 1 oncology programme coordinator / 1 refugee integration programme coordinator / 1 cultural programme coordinator / 1 anthropologist / 1 management assistant / 4 educators, 4 teachers, 2 after school teachers, 14 secondary school teachers, 4 care staff] and

40 collaborators

[4 medici specialiști oncologi / 3 medici specialiști radiologi / 6 asistenți medicali / 2 psihologi / 1 psihiatru / 4 experți servicii sociale / 2 experți nutriție / 1 expert art therapy / 2 experți contabili / 1 expert medii vizuale / 2 brand manager / 4 fotografi / 2 DTP / 1 designer de interioare / 1 website developer / 2 PR și comunicare / 2 artiști vizuali]

The areas of activity of SUS INIMA are: